To ensure your continued freedom and to support your spiritual and emotional growth, it is important to follow these steps for aftercare:
Take time to reflect & strengthen your faith: Assess how you feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually after deliverance. Note any specific challenges or issues you may be facing. Seek ongoing spiritual guidance and mentorship to deepen your understanding of your spiritual journey. Engage in regular prayer, scripture reading, and involvement in a supportive faith community.
Embrace your personal responsibility & seek support: Take ownership of your spiritual growth and well-being. Maintain a healthy spiritual lifestyle, including practicing prayer, reading scriptures, and being an active part of a supportive faith community. Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded believers who can offer encouragement, accountability, and prayer support. Recognize the importance of counseling or therapy as a crucial part of the aftercare process. While deliverance addresses spiritual issues, counseling helps you address emotional, psychological, and relational aspects.
Deliverance and counseling / therapy complement each other and contribute to inner healing. By integrating both approaches, you can experience comprehensive growth on your spiritual and emotional journey. When searching for counselors or therapists and attending sessions, remember this:
Find a qualified professional: Look for a Christian counselor or therapist who specializes in integrating spiritual beliefs with therapy. Seek someone with experience working with individuals who have undergone deliverance or similar experiences.
Be open and honest to address the problems: During counseling or therapy sessions, practice open and honest communication. Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, even if they may be challenging to discuss. Understand that deliverance may have uncovered underlying emotional wounds, trauma, or unhealthy patterns. Counseling can help you explore and heal these issues.
Focus on personal growth and involve yourself in community: Set goals for personal growth and transformation. Identify areas where you want to see improvement and work towards positive change. Your church should provide support throughout your aftercare journey. Regularly check in with your pastor, counselor, or therapist to assess progress, address challenges, and receive guidance. We highly recommend you join a small group or a Bible study and share your testimony of what God has done for you.